Herein lies the stuff which doesn't seem to fit anywhere else, but is
relevent to the Mermen. Or, at least, its members.
- The FezGuys
- Column co-written by those fezguys, Allen Whitman and Jon Luini about
audio on the Internet (also published in EQ Magazine monthly).
- 24hrs In Cyberspace
- Something Allen's mom didn't want to waste valuable disk space on. A
coffee table book for all kinds of coffee.
- Search Addicted To Noise for the Mermen
- Addicted To Noise digs the Mermen and, sometimes, even writes about
them! Search in
Music News
Of The World or
elsewhere in
- Burning Man
- The Burning Man is dead.
- Long live the Burning Man!
- 1995
- 1996
- MediaCast Netcasts
- MediaCast digs the Mermen, too. Go over there and join them.
Sat, May 25: Live @ KFJC
Sat, Oct 21: Live @ Great American Music Hall
Fri, Jan 12: Live @ The Transmission Theater